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Home News An Announcement ahead of the Annunciation

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An Announcement ahead of the Annunciation

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Mar, 2021 07:12 PM

Thursday 25th March is a very special day in our Mothers’ Union calendar; it is the feast of The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lady Day).

An Announcement ahead of the Annunciation

Annunciation embroidery, St Mary's Church, Walesby (c) Julian P Guffogg, Creative Commons

Diocesan President Rosie Stiven says:

"This year, our Diocesan Chaplain, Revd Jo Naish, is leading us in our celebration of Lady Day with a Zoom Service of the Word starting at 11am.

"During the Service, we will reflect upon Mary’s obedience to God’s call to become the mother of Jesus Christ. For us, it is a wonderful opportunity to consider just what following Mary’s example of her unqualified willingness to serve means for us today.

"The meditation below gives us a few clues!"

A meditation on Luke 1:26-38

“You’ve got it wrong,” I told him.
“You can’t mean me, no way!
Someone else perhaps, more worthy, more important,
but not me!”
Honestly, what did I have to commend me?
No connections or special qualities,
nothing –
just an ordinary girl from Nazareth,
so what could God see in me?
But it was academic anyway, for I wasn’t even married yet,
and there was no way I’d sleep with Joseph until I was.
So I came straight out with it,
“Sorry, but you’re wrong!”
Only he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Just stood there smiling, unruffled;
and before I knew it he was off again –
the message even more fantastic than before.
God’s power overshadowing me,
a child born of the Holy Spirit,
the Son of God!
It was way over the top,
and I should have turned him out there and then,
but I was flummoxed,
too amazed to reply.
Even when I found my tongue it wasn’t much use to me –
my mind so befuddled with questions
that I ended up saying, of all things,
“Here I am, the servant of the Lord,
let it be with me according to your word.”
Oh, it sounded good, granted –
the epitome of humility –
but if you only knew what I was thinking,
you’d have a different picture then.
So what got into me, you ask?
How could I be so meek and accepting?
Well, what choice did I have, let’s be honest,
for as the angel said, “With God, nothing will be impossible.”
How could I argue with that?
There was no way out, was there?
But it’s one thing to accept that in principle,
another when it turns your life upside down.
Do I believe it?
Well, I didn’t at the time, but I do now,
for I’ve just discovered I’m pregnant,
and I say this perfectly reverently, God knows how!
It’s astonishing and terrifying,
exciting yet mystifying,
my mind in turmoil, not quite sure what to think any more.
But one thing is plain now,
beyond all question –
with God, quite clearly, nothing is impossible!

[Source unknown]

Rosie adds:

"You are very welcome to join in our worship – we would be delighted to see you. For the link to the zoom Service, please ."

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