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Home News An AGM for South Sudan

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An AGM for South Sudan

by Michael Ford last modified 17 Sep, 2021 10:16 PM

On 11th September, over 40 attendees heard how the Episcopal University in South Sudan has been progressing, met the newest trustees and advisors, and shared priorities for the upcoming year.

The Revd Ron Hart, a longstanding member of the Salisbury-Sudans link, sends us this report from the Annual General Meeting of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan & Sudan University Partnership (ECSSSUP).

Ron writes:

This year’s AGM included participants from South Sudan, Dubai, the USA, and the UK. Our patron, Mrs Caroline Welby joined us. We now have an Advisory Board, and three board members – Alex Simms, Nic Ramsden and Suzy Voga – shared a little about themselves and why they are committed to helping the new Episcopal University.

Eeva John our chair showed a power point presentation which has been updated to show new developments, and there was also a video to explain the work. Both these will be posted on the ECSSSUP website,, in due course.

A number of participants joined us from South Sudan. Ron interviewed our accountant, Vicky Allur, who said what made the university special was the underpinning Christian values and concern to bring diverse people together. Also the valuing of women - she reminded us that to train a woman is to train a family.

The Principal of Kajo Keji, James Lule, was also interviewed. The college is about to return to South Sudan, having had to move to Uganda for safety. James echoed the need for access to higher education in South Sudan.

Hanna John and Joseph Bilal updated us on developments in the past year. The land at Rokon has been legally transferred, a professional survey has been completed, and test drilling for a borehole has commenced, only to be thwarted by the rainy season. The Charity EMI which has expertise in Africa on construction, and help from architects and surveyors has agreed to do the design work and help with project management.

A grant from ECSSSUP has enabled Joseph to buy a Toyota Land Cruiser, and they have also purchased a Toyota Hiace minibus and are fundraising locally to cover the extra cost. The efforts for registration continue – syllabi have been accepted, the new law faculty agreed – but the Government is now insisting on all higher degrees to be validated by the Government of the Country in which the University is located – not easy when there is no post and travel is difficult.

Vicky has worked hard to consolidate accounts from colleges, construct a detailed budget, and past accounts have been professionally audited. Joseph and his team are in regular contact with the colleges.

In the UK we have been working to prepare for major funding applications to the big charities. But in the meantime, we need to keep paying the Joseph and his staff and covering the ongoing administration and legal costs, so donations of all kinds are essential.

Finally Eeva appealed for help:

we are going to need a new treasurer/secretary when Martin finishes in December

we need £80K p.a. for salaries, but present regular giving is £25K, could you help?

We need people to help promote the vision and reach a wider audience for support.

The meeting ended with thanks to everyone who had helped in whatever capacity, and thanks for all that has been achieved.

Learn about the Episcopal University story that was shared here, and meet some of the staff and students by watching this film.

Find out about what has been achieved over the past 9 years, what the ECSSSUP priorities are and how you can help, by clicking here!

Access a PowerPoint slideshow here.

Keep up to date with ECSSSUP news here.

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