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Home News Aldhelm’s Cross Recipients 2020

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Aldhelm’s Cross Recipients 2020

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Nov, 2020 03:33 PM

The St Aldhelm Cross, an annual award created in 2005, is an engraved silver lapel cross given to lay people (non-ordained) who are nominated for outstanding contributions to Diocesan life, and are presented by Bishop Nicholas.

This year, there are 3 deserving recipients.

Gillian Clarke has served the Church in this diocese over many years and in many capacities, from parish magazine editor and churchwarden in West Moors to Lay Chair of the Wimborne Deanery Synod; member of our Bishop’s Council, Mission and Ministry Council and Renewing Rural Hope group; and Lay Chair of our Diocesan Synod. In each of these roles, her contribution of wisdom with energy and cheerfulness makes a significant difference to the running of the diocese.

Gillian says:

"A wonderful, unexpected award; such recognition is much appreciated and means a great deal to me. It is a real privilege and joy to be able to serve the people and communities of the Diocese of Salisbury. Thank you!"

John Cox has spent a lifetime in, and contributing to, the world of education. He taught for many years at Bishop Wordsworth's School in Salisbury and, until very recently, was a trustee (and one time Vice Chair) of the Sarum St Michael Educational Charity. He represented the Charity on the Religious Education Council, which in turn established the Commission on Religious Education that produced a report that influenced government policy on Religious Education. John also chaired the Association of Church College Trusts which was also a party to the report.

John says humbly: "Receiving the Aldhelm Cross is an honour which I deeply appreciate."

When in this country, Robert Hayward sings in the choir at Sherborne Abbey but much of his time has been spent working for Christian Aid in South Sudan and Sudan, where he was their Country Manager. Since his retirement he continues to advise them, and he has served for many years on our Diocesan Sudans Committee, where his knowledge of the situation on the ground has been invaluable in forging and sustaining links and partnerships, enabling funds raised in the diocese to be wisely and well applied locally.

Robert says:

"The prayer and financial support that Salisbury Diocese, its Deaneries and its congregations give for the Episcopal Churches of Sudan and South Sudan responses to emergencies, theological colleges, schools, capacity-development and diocesan projects is hugely appreciated by the churches and I am very fortunate that my work with Christian Aid takes me to both countries and allows me to meet directly with, pray with and plan and monitor projects with church members responsible for the activities Salisbury supports.

"The award of the Aldhelm Cross is a great honour and a wonderful surprise!"

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