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A year of New Wine

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Jun, 2021 02:38 AM

Gap years can be life-changing, not least if you are exploring your vocational call from God.

The seaside parish of St Mary's Longfleet is running the New Wine Discipleship Year scheme from Monday 6th September 2021 until Sunday 24th July 2022.

Placement Student Will Triffit says:

"It's a gap year run alongside New Wine where 18-24 year olds can come and spend a year learning more about the Bible, ministry, mission and faith, whilst working in a church."

Associate Vicar Mark Hay says:

"In a nutshell, the Discipleship Year is about growing as disciples of Jesus, learning how to serve him and his Kingdom with the whole of your life, for the whole of your life.

"It will take you on a life-changing journey of discovery and adventure, where you’ll be inspired, get practical Kingdom experience, make life-long friendships, and have a lot of fun in the process!"

The Discipleship Year is for anyone aged 18-24 looking to:

  • Grow in confidence in their Christian identity
  • Discover their God-given purpose
  • Get involved by serving in a local church
  • Discover, exercise and nurture spiritual gifts and passions
  • Be challenged to step out, take risks and see God at work
  • Experience the adventure of overseas mission

Each week has 8 hours of teaching and 12-16 hours of serving in a chosen ministry area, which may include Sundays. St Mary's offer a choice of Children, Youth, Outreach, Worship, and Media.

Mark adds:

"The rest of the time is there for you to be able to find paid employment alongside the Discipleship Year. Throughout the year we will spend time together worshipping, praying, listening, laughing and learning.

"As we go through the year there will be retreat days, residential weekends and plenty of opportunity to get stuck in and serve in the Church."

For more info, and to apply, click here.

New Wine Discipleship Year- 'discipleship' trio

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