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Home News A "trusted voice" to reach those in need

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A "trusted voice" to reach those in need

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Oct, 2020 05:17 PM

Dorset Council is inviting our parishioners and churches to use their "trusted voice" to publicise the 'Reaching Out' initiative, offering support to residents in the county.

These are difficult times for many, so Dorset Council is working with Citizens Advice to encourage anyone struggling financially because of Covid-19 in Dorset to seek help before they reach crisis point.

The council has support resources at, including posters and social media templates to help spread the word.

Dorset Council says:

"We wonder if you could share information about this campaign with your parishioners?

"Whether it’s through your own website, a newsletter, social media or word-of-mouth, your trusted voice will help the campaign reach those Dorset residents who are struggling.

"For many people, this will be the first time they have experienced financial difficulties, or a friend or family member is finding things tough right now. They may feel unsure who to turn to, or just need some advice about which bill to pay, or what to do next.

"Covid-19 has changed life for everyone. For some people, these changes can be difficult to cope with and can have a significant impact on mental health. Some people are also struggling with their relationships, or finding things at home particularly difficult.

"Dorset Citizens Advice has a team of specialist and experienced advisers waiting at the end of the phone to offer free, confidential and impartial advice."

Current cases include the likes of:

  • Paying the rent or mortgage
  • Avoiding eviction
  • Redundancy and finding work
  • Furlough
  • Accessing benefits
  • Paying council tax and other bills
  • Managing loan or credit card repayments
  • Free school meals
  • Changing career
  • Mental health and relationships

Contact Dorset Citizens Advice on Freephone 0800 144 8848 (text phone 0800 144 8884) or visit to see the support available.

Wiltshire Council also partners with Citizens Advice: see the main page,

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