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A record-breaking camp-out

by Michael Ford last modified 07 May, 2020 07:22 PM

25 members of St Thomas’ Ensbury Park (and a dog!) joined more than 84,000 people around the world to become Record Breakers.

The campers of all ages slept out in tents and indoor dens to take part in the #CampAtHome record attempt.

The Revd Simon Evans, Vicar of Ensbury Park and Chaplain to Dorset Police, takes up the story:

"One of our members who is a scout leader challenged us to join her Scout Group who were participating in the #CampAtHome challenge.

"The challenge was hosted by Northumberland Scouts with a target of 65,000 participants, in the end campers from 67 Countries all over the globe took part with members from Croatia, Hong Kong, Malawi, Czech Republic, Mauritius & Grand Cayman, the "Top 10 Countries" being UK, Canada, Australia, USA, New Zealand, UAE, Jersey, Falkland Islands, Ireland & Oman.

"Campers from St Thomas’ slept in a variety of locations: tents in gardens or dens in bedrooms and lounges (for those without gardens or tents - or because it was a wet and wind day), one even under the dining room table.

A record-breaking camp-out- night falls

"We kept in touch with each other using a WhatsApp Group, sharing photos, and wishing each other good night and good morning. This has been the culmination of 30 days of participation from the Scout Group.

"Our church group began with a night camping out at home on Easter Eve and one of our members has remained out in his tent ever since, making it a full 3 weeks of camping out at home!

"As a church we have an active camping group that would normally start its activities with a camp on the early May Bank Holiday, so this made a great replacement, and a way of sharing an activity together while distanced."

A record-breaking camp-out- montage

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