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Home News 'A rare and fantastic opportunity, go for it!'

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'A rare and fantastic opportunity, go for it!'

by Michael Ford last modified 07 Feb, 2020 04:16 PM

If you are aged 18-30, why not spend a year serving God through the Ministry Experience Scheme?

You will have the opportunity to explore your calling and learn more about yourself, whilst gaining experience of Christian ministry and developing your leadership skills.

It is free to do, with accommodation and living expenses provided, so why not go for it?

Richard has, and he is loving it.

Richard Thomas is taking part in the 2019-20 MES in our Diocese and this is what he has to say about his ministerial experience:

"I applied to the MES after quite a long period of trying to work out my feelings of being drawn more and more to the church; no matter how many things I volunteered to help with, it always felt like there was more that I could be doing.

"This scheme has been fantastic in helping inform me what it really is that clergy do, and the phenomenal amount of work that goes into any given parish.

"The support has also been brilliant, providing me with so many opportunities for personal and spiritual growth – my prayer life is so much more fulfilling now, and looking back I can really see just how far I’ve come in just the first few months.

"The clergy I have been working with have truly been a gift. I’ve been able to do so much with them: from helping with services, pastoral visits, and outreach groups; to playing a part in funeral services, school assemblies, and laity training days.

"If you’re discerning a call of any kind towards the church, I couldn’t recommend the MES enough – in all honesty, it’s such a rare and fantastic opportunity. Go for it, you won’t regret it!"

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