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A Proud Appointment

by glynch last modified 14 Jul, 2017 04:05 PM

Sarum College Principal made a Visiting Professor at the University of Winchester

Bishop Nicholas has congratulated the Principal of Sarum College, the Revd Canon Prof James Woodward, on being appointed Visiting Professor of Theology at the University of Winchester.

“At Sarum College we continue to be confident about the place of theology in the nurture of wisdom,” Professor Woodward said. “This appointment is a personal honour as well as an important recognition of the high standards of education at Sarum. I hope and expect our valued connection with the University of Winchester will be strengthened through this new relationship.”

Professor Woodward is an expert in the theology of death, dying and illness, areas of research and teaching within the Sarum Centre for Human Flourishing. He advocates a renewal in the value society places on older people, and the spiritual implications of vulnerability, particularly at the end of life.

Bishop Nicholas, who is a Foundation Trustee at Sarum, congratulated Professor Woodward on the post and said, “The Diocese is fortunate to have in James Woodward a highly respected theologian with an international reputation for excellence in his scholarship and teaching. This appointment is a tribute to James’s contributions to the field of theology and affirms the deep commitment to theological learning shared by Sarum College and the University of Winchester.”

Professor Elizabeth Stuart, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Winchester, which validates some of the College’s post-graduate study and research programmes said, “The University of Winchester is delighted to appoint James Woodward as a Visiting Professor.  He is a world-renowned Practical Theologian devoted to changing the world for the better. We know that his appointment will enrich the University. It will also further strengthen our partnership with Sarum College, a partnership which grows ever stronger and which the University treasures.”

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