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Home News A prayer amidst the bushfires

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A prayer amidst the bushfires

by Michael Ford last modified 08 Jan, 2020 11:11 AM

This prayer, written by Dean Andreas Loewe, has been said at St Paul’s Cathedral these past days. The Anglican Primate of Australia, Melbourne Archbishop Philip Freier, invites Christians to use it, and reproduce it in social media and pew-sheets or bulletins.

Almighty God and heavenly Father, we pray for this world that you love so much
that you sent your Son Jesus to be born as the child of Bethlehem:
We pray for the safety of those sheltering from fires and those fighting fires,
for livestock, native animals, paddocks, bushlands and sacred places.
We remember our own loved ones and those who are dear to us facing this crisis.
We pray for those tending to the injured, the frightened and the broken-hearted,
for emergency services, emergency broadcasters, chaplains and counsellors.
We ask for your forgiveness for our own failures in safeguarding your good creation,
and pray for political and community leaders, and all those responding
to the current crisis in our nation.
Above all, we pray the peace that passes all understanding,
in our nation and state, in our homes and in our hearts.
This we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.


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