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Home News A "positivitrees" successful week

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A "positivitrees" successful week

by ajack last modified 03 Nov, 2021 03:55 PM

Recently, the staff and children of Sutton Veny School, Warminster, enjoyed taking part in a ‘Spirited You’ themed week.

The aim of the week was to explore the idea of ‘Spirituality’. This involved taking part in guided imagery, outdoor worship and looking at the meaning of words and symbols.  

During the week, they also reviewed their school values and to reflected on their school/Church partnership. Staff received training on how to include more spiritual elements as part of worship and the children were able to add their ideas to "boards of spiritual reflection", which are in every classroom. 

In consultation with families, staff and Governors, wanted to choose three key values that are shown by the three stars on the school uniform and logo. They said: 

"We were excited that the top three voted for were ‘Friendship, Peace and Courage’." 

The week concluded by the children leading their parents through a beautiful pathway where they had written their thanks, prayers and reflections on what it meant to them to be part of a church school, on pebbles and labels attached to trees - “Positivitrees”! This resulted in profound words such as ‘It changes our hearts’, ‘We forgive each other’ and ‘We feel special because we help families to look after the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps graves’. 

This has been an exciting project for the school that has been the starting point for us to review our school vision and values ahead of our 150th year anniversary in 2022.  

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