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A Pioneering Day

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Sep, 2019 04:20 PM

Salisbury Diocese has hosted its second annual In:Formation Day.

The day, organised by the Pioneer Hub of the South Central Regional Training Partnership (SCRTP) is designed to be a place of connection and formation for pioneers and others on the frontiers of Christian mission.

Over 30 pioneers from across 6 Dioceses and Methodist Districts that form the SCRTP came along.

The conversation that developed during the day was formed initially from hearing 7 pioneers tell something of their story and, in particular, reflect on what had formed them as pioneers.

There was a rich variety of context and experience and yet a lot of common ground as people expressed their journey into pioneering within their different traditions. As we gathered up these conversations people were asked "What is forming you today?"

The answers were:

• Coming here! Feeling acceptance and encouragement amidst a challenging ministry
• Different stories – having assumptions challenged
• Openness and mutual learning
• Knowing it's OK for things to go wrong – it's an opportunity for something else
• Failures form us to be more vulnerable
• Space for creative voices and experimentation

A hugely creative session in the afternoon saw groups modelling (literally!) the experience and the hopes for how pioneers can be nurtured and formed. For many the relationship with the institutions of the church was key, as pioneers wrestle with the need for space and freedom to pioneer and a commitment to valuing the inherited traditions of the church.

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