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A Marketplace for Mission

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Jul, 2019 04:21 PM

Bradford on Avon's annual Church Street Market became a new mission opportunity this year when it came 'home'.

This year, Holy Trinity Church became the venue for the 'Street Market', complete with its community stalls. And it seems the move from the Town's gardens added an extra layer of mission to the event.

The Revd Canon Joanna Abecassis, Rector of Holy Trinity, said:

"Having sweltered in the extreme heat, and with minimal electricity and no water, in the town gardens last year, the idea dawned on us to host it 'at home' – in our beautifully restored and versatile church building complete with shade, shelter, and all mod cons including 4 toilets!

"And it was an enormous success with the building itself offering its usual warm welcome and the stall-holders loving spending the day in such a beautiful church, where they clearly sense in some way the presence of God."

As one stall holder at the Market - who was back for the 8am Eucharist the next day! - said:

"All the 'feedback' we had on our stall was very positive. Everyone loved the location, the ease of establishing the stalls and the general comfort.

"Many we spoke to live alone and enjoyed the company and the ambience, and many who had not been in the church for years were amazed at the building.

"I personally think it was brilliant and the best. And this morning the church was back to its beautiful spiritual calm with no trace of the busyness of the previous day."

Joanna added:

"It was so good to see everyone smiling and happy and we were entertained not only with wonderful refreshments (including pizzas fresh from the oven) – but also the wonderfully named local ‘Ramshackle Orchestra'!" [pictured below]

Street Market- Ramshackle Orchestra

"So a fun time was certainly had by all – we raised over £3000 - and by six o’clock that evening the church was restored to its normal glory and you would never have known that such an event had taken place."

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