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A Global Prayer Wave

by glynch last modified 06 Apr, 2017 10:49 AM

Archbishop Justin asks Christians of all denominations to join him in praying for the renewal of the church

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have invited Christians of all denominations to join a global wave of prayer later this Spring. 

Thy Kingdom Come will take place between Ascension and Pentecost, Thursday 25 May until Sunday 4 June, and will see people pray for the renewal and revival of the Church, and that more people might know Jesus Christ. The Archbishops’ call has been joined by leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Churches, and leaders from a whole range of free church, Evangelical and Pentecostal traditions. 

Launching the initiative, Archbishop Justin said, “Jesus prayed at the Last Supper that we, those who follow him, might ‘be one that the world might believe’. We are invited to make a lasting difference in our nations and in our world, by responding to his call to find a deep unity of purpose in prayer.” 

Events are taking place from Hong Kong to South Africa to Brazil to Canada, and the Diocese is no exception. Events already in train in our Diocese include: 

St John’s, Weymouth will host a regional launch on Wednesday 24 with Bishop Karen and Andrew Palau. 

The Pilgrim Parishes in Blackmore Vale are making Thy Kingdom Come the subject of their annual pilgrimage, with walks on four days, visits to schools on Friday 26, and a Covenant Renewal Service on Pentecost Day. 

Churches Together in Salisbury is holding a picnic on the Cathedral lawn on Pentecost Day,

This year’s Aldhelm Pilgrimage will be part of the initiative. It will be led by Bishop Karen, who is especially encouraging parishes in Dorchester and Purbeck Deaneries to join in.

Salisbury Cathedral is planning a significant programme, including distributing bookmarks with the Lord’s Prayer to visitors, projecting the text of Lord’s Prayer in the cloisters, and a media and social media campaign.

Schools across the Diocese are being encouraged to take to social media to say the Lord’s Prayer together via Facebook and Instagram live streamed video on Ascension Day. For more details contact Sarah McNicol on 01722 744 538 or

Gerry Lynch, Diocesan Co-ordinator for Thy Kingdom Come said, “There is a perception that taking part in a wave of prayer like this involves a major project with lots of planning and effort. Yet God can often make best use of us when we are at our humblest, and the Spirit intercedes for us when we do not know how to pray (Rom 8:26). 

“Why not arrange something simple, perhaps encouraging the whole congregation to commit to saying the Lord’s Prayer at home every morning, or having regular home groups focus their meetings around the Lord’s Prayer during the period of Thy Kingdom Come?

“There are lots of other ideas and resources for ideas big and small online at 

“And when you’ve decided what you’re going to do, make sure to share it on that website and on social media with the hashtag #PledgeToPray.”

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