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Home News A global chance to take the first step

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A global chance to take the first step

by Michael Ford last modified 28 Feb, 2020 08:52 PM

Sometimes all is needed is a nudge from someone we trust to encourage us on the first tentative steps to becoming a disciple of Christ.

Sometimes all that's needed is encouragement for someone to take a first tentative step to think about a call to leadership and ministry.

And while we don't need a Sunday set aside to remind us of this - it does help!

So each year, Christians across the globe from all denominations are encouraged to think about how God may be calling them and those around them into a new adventure of faith.

This global event falls on the 4th Sunday of Easter and is known as Vocations Sunday.

The Church of England has produced a pack of information to encourage us all to think about our calling and how we might encourage others. We are all called to follow Christ and some are called into leadership.

Of course we don’t need to wait until Vocations Sunday to have that conversation, every day could be that day. However there is something very special when a Christian fellowship sets aside time in worship to make vocation a focus on that day.

The Church of England has produced some excellent resources to help us in our conversation about our calling into leadership and ministry, and has produced a pack of information to encourage us all to think about our calling and how we might encourage others.

You can find out more here.

And to help us in our everyday walk with Christ and how we share our faith with others, click here.

For more local information about calling and ministry please visit

You will find information about vocation events and on the different forms of ministry both lay and ordained.

for more information or to arrange a chat.

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