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A Gap Year With A Difference

by glynch last modified 23 Aug, 2017 12:00 PM

Placements for 18-30s exploring ordination in Poole and in rural Dorset and Wilts

A Gap Year With A Difference

Last year's Pray, Serve, Grow group enjoying themselves

A ‘gap year with a difference’. That’s what is being offered by the Diocese of Salisbury to young adults considering their future direction.

The Pray, Serve, Grow scheme is open to 18-30 year olds wondering if God might be calling them to ordained ministry – even if it’s an idea they’d never seriously considered before.

The Revd Benny Hazlehurst, the Diocese of Salisbury’s Vocations Co-ordinator, who helps runs the scheme, said:

“This is often a time of year where people consider their long term future and are open to new ideas; perhaps because they’ve finished school or uni, or are maybe wondering about a change in career direction.

“Our Pray, Serve, Grow scheme offers 18-30 year olds the chance to spend a year from September exploring whether they may have a call to ordained ministry. Participants will get experience of ministry in a local church, receive theological training at Sarum College in Salisbury, and have lots of support to reflect and grow as people.

“Some participants live in community in a house in Poole while working in urban and suburban churches. Last year, this proved a valuable experience for three young people.  For the first time, this year we are also offering the experience of living in a rural setting with hands on experience of rural life.

“Full board and training costs are provided along with a small personal allowance, so nobody should be put off from applying due to their personal circumstances.”

The Rt Revd Karen Gorham, Bishop of Sherborne, added:

“We work to make sure it’s an enriching experience for everyone, even if life ends up taking them in different directions. Last year proved to be great fun.

“Why not take a look at our website at and see if you’d like to explore your future with us and with others at a similar stage in their journey. Don’t worry if you think your application will come as a surprise to us – or yourself!”

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