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A familiar face in a new role

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Dec, 2019 05:49 PM

It was a chance to welcome an old friend into a new role, when the Revd Joanna Naish was licensed as Chaplain to the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Salisbury.

A familiar face in a new role

Revd Dr Graham Southgate, Jenny Harrison, Rosemary Allen, Bishop Nicholas, the Revd Joanna and Geoff Naish, Rosie Stiven, Suzanne Waters, Sandra Gamble

The Licensing by Bishop Nicholas took place in the Bishop’s Chapel, South Canonry on Thursday and members of our Diocesan Mothers Union gathered to welcome Jo as their new Chaplain.

Rosie Stiven, our Diocesan MU President said:

"This was a very happy occasion. The Mothers’ Union is delighted to have Jo as our new Chaplain.

"Jo is a wonderful supporter of Mothers’ Union and has taken an active role in many of our services and projects over the years. We are all looking forward to working with Jo and the Mothers’ Union is very privileged to have her as Chaplain."

Attendees included the Revd Dr Graham Southgate, MU Diocesan Secretary Jennifer Harrison, MU Trustee Rosemary Allen, the Bishop himself, the Revd Joanna and Geoff Naish, MU Diocesan President Rosie Stiven, MU Diocesan Treasurer Suzanne Waters, and MU Trustee Sandra Gamble.

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