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A different and exciting pilgrimage

by Michael Ford last modified 10 Dec, 2019 05:13 PM

A chance remark by a Wiltshire youth leader has led to the organising of a Pilgrimage that hopes to encompass young and old alike.

A different and exciting pilgrimage

Original photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Tim Spinney, Youth Leader at the Minster Church of St Denys Warminster explains:

“Recently the youngsters at our Youth Group came up with the fact they wanted to "DO" something. On closer enquiry, they seemed to want to "DO" something different and rather more exciting!

“I casually said 'We'll walk to Glastonbury,' and now the rest is becoming history.

“We have a full-blown Benefice Pilgrimage, including youngsters who can come, to Glastonbury for 15th April 2020. Beyond that we have gone out to CTW, the Heytesbury Deanery and further afield.”

Tim said the plan is to have people walking there and back, with rest stops provided by local churches:

“Similarly, there will be people cycling with one rest stop. The majority will come by minibus or car with friends, strangers, Christians and non-Christians (we hope!).

“This is to be a Pilgrimage For All and it should be all about shared experiences. The team at the Minster Church want the fit and young, but they also want those who find getting about not so easy. We will be catering for walking frames and wheel chairs.”

Tim added:

“There will be send-offs from the Minster by various clergy including a Bishop, we hope. These will be on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Easter Week.

“The objective is to be at the Abbey Grounds in Glastonbury by 12.30pm for a Bring and Share Picnic where we will be talking about some of the experiences so far. The culmination of this event will be a Service of The Word at 3pm in the Abbey Undercroft Chapel. We hope to have some songs for the service written specially during the preceding time of Lent.

“We are well aware that there are a few things happening liturgically between then and now! What we would like is for people to buy their place on this Pilgrimage soon. Then we can manage the event and get all that is needed in place. Any personal information given on the Registration Form will only be used to help with the administration of the event, to try and provide what people want. It will not be retained after the event.”

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