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A Christmas warm-up

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Dec, 2020 09:42 PM

As many are finding it tough after years of austerity, with pandemic restrictions in tiers and many needing support, charities linked with our Bishops and parishes are appealing for funds for the vulnerable.

Poole homeless charity Routes to Roots hopes to raise £25,000 from this year’s Christmas Appeal, which will fund a new heating system for its new permanent centre for Poole’s vulnerably housed. The former Baptist Church in Hill Street, Poole, is undergoing extensive renovations that will convert it into a lasting ‘Place for Change’ for locals currently without somewhere to call home.

A team of dedicated Routes to Roots volunteers and trustees are calling on individuals and organisations to help them reach their target. The new building will provide a sanctuary for rough sleepers, providing warmth, food, shelter, and specialist support throughout the day.

Routes to Roots co-founder and Chairman, the Reverend Pat Southgate, who has been supporting Poole’s homeless community since the charity was first established in 2002 said:

“We are so close to realising our long-standing ambition of providing a dedicated space from which to offer a wide range of support to help some really vulnerable people make a lasting change in their lives so our Christmas Appeal this year is more poignant than ever.

“It’s heart-warming how much support we have already received from the local community and now, it’s only a matter of time before our homeless can come in and keep warm and dry.”

To help spread the word and to donate, visit and share the following link:


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Poole Pantry is a community collaboration of local people and organisations, helping anyone on a low income to eat a balanced and nutritional diet by accessing food at an affordable price from a membership-based community pantry.

Based at Parkstone United Reformed Church, the Pantry offers a bag of up to 10 items with a retail value of up to £15 for a suggested donation of £5, including meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and more. Additional bakery, fruit or veg items are also available.

There is a flyer here with more details.

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