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A busy year for CAP

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Jun, 2019 03:48 PM

The Christians Against Poverty team in Poole has had a busy year so far.

Ruth, Jo, Barbie and Jenny, who make up the local CAP team explain that they currently have 23 accounts on their Debt Centre books.

"The majority are people we’ve come into contact with in the last year.

"That means 26 adults (and some children) with whom we’ve had opportunities to pray and to talk about the love of God. Actually there have been more than this as some people have been visited but decided not to continue and some have completed the process and are now debt free.

"Many of these might never have come in contact with Christians if they hadn’t phoned CAP."

The team said most clients are happy for CAP members to pray with them:

"Those who ask us not to usually say it’s because they think it would be hypocritical as they don’t believe in God. Interestingly, one person who was very clear that he didn’t want us to pray, later started to ask questions about our faith.

"Yes, there are frustrations and disappointments along the way, especially when clients who sign up for a CAP Plan and seem keen later drop out, but it is such a privilege to be able to go into people’s homes, show them God’s love through the help we offer and our non-judgemental attitudes, and tell them a little of why we do what we do. We are always very ‘up front’ about the fact that CAP is a Christian organisation and that we are Christians."

The extra good news is that some clients have also come along to Sunday services or events in the area.

The team is also promoting the work of CAP Life Skills:

"This is a friendly group that gives people the confidence, decision-making skills and practical money-saving techniques they need to survive life on a low income. Local referral agencies and community groups are keen to tell their contacts about this.

"Jo and Jenny ran a course last autumn and are planning another this autumn. Last year they made contact with 3 people who had no previous contact with PCF as well as some who had been to a PCF Parenting group or were CAP clients. One Life Skills person joined a midweek small group last term and another one has joined this term. One of the ladies set up a ‘Bargain Buddies’ WhatsApp group for others in the group so Jo and Jenny are still in contact with some of them and are able to invite them to church and CAP events."

But to do this work costs money, and the team admit that their funding reserves are towards the lower end right now.

"If you could help financially, it would be a great help."

They are also asking Churches to add CAP to their prayer list.

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