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A Benedictine Renewal

by glynch last modified 13 Jul, 2017 10:33 PM

Milton Abbey celebrates St Benedict's Day as new ministry develops

Milton Abbey celebrated its Benedictine heritage with a special service for St Benedict’s Day, Tuesday 11 July.

The service also marked an opportunity to find out how they can get involved with the Milton Abbey Heritage Trust and the pattern of service and worship that is evolving around it.

Attendees braved one of the foulest evenings of the year so far to find out how the developing project can be of benefit to local churches, especially in the Benefices immediately around the Abbey, but also to the Diocese and Church more generally.

The Revd Chris Jervis has been Provost of Milton Abbey since the end of January, having been previously been Vicar of St Helier in Jersey. He is no stranger to Dorset, having been Chaplain at Canford School for 20 years.

Speaking after the service, the Revd Chris Jervis said, “Tonight means two things.

“Firstly, it showcases one of the purposes of regenerating the religious life of this ancient place, that is to give some focus to the Benedictine principles of Christian formation, prayer, hospitality and care.

“Secondly, it gives us a chance to showcase the sort of worship that will be taking place here, starting in September, on alternate Friday evenings. Our aim is to complement the worship that takes place in local village churches on Sundays.

“There will be a 15-20 minute sermon at our Friday services, so preaching will be an important part of our ministry, and there will be plenty of eating and drinking together.

“We are also happy to host events for people further afield – awaydays, quiet days, teaching days, Deanery and Diocesan events.

“We have secured to the funds to make the building watertight and secure, we have plans to use that as a foundation to do so much more.”

One of the Bible readings at the service was from Nehemiah, on the rebuilding of the Temple after the Exiles’ return from Babylon. It seemed apposite to a building which has seen so much change over the centuries, yet remains a place from which the Gospel of Christ is preached.

major exhibition at Milton Abbey, Heritage, History and Landscape is now open daily 10am-5pm until Thursday 31 August. It features work by prize winning photographers and artists, including Tim Scott-Bolton, whose work proved popular last year. In addition, there will be films, recommended walks and children’s games. 

The exhibition is open from 10 am - 5 pm daily. Entry: £6 (adults), £5 (concessions including over 60s and disabled people). Children under 16 get free entry. Postcode: DT11 0BZ.

Applications are now open for membership of The Milton Abbey Community as a member, companion or associate. Find out more about how to share in this companionship of work and worship at

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