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Home News A 21st Century Way of Giving

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A 21st Century Way of Giving

by glynch last modified 03 Apr, 2017 04:26 PM

Parish Giving Scheme allows parishes to benefit from Direct Debits for the first time

Each parish in our diocese will soon have the opportunity to join the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) – enabling people for the first time to give by Direct Debit to support their church.

PGS is already in use by 20,000 Church of England givers across 13 dioceses and, with a number of unique benefits, feedback is incredibly positive. Among other things, PGS improves cash flow for parishes and offers donors the option of automatically increasing their giving each year in line with inflation. It helps churches focus on mission and renewing hope. 

Following a pre-launch phase, during which seven local parishes gained experience of PGS, four launch events around the Diocese will be held during the first week of May. Full details are below.

Parishes will be able to sign up to PGS from 8 May onwards.

St James’, Southbroom in Devizes was one of the pre-launch trial parishes. One worshipper there, John Jones, who now gives via PGS says, “There were three major reasons for my choosing PGS to manage my pledged giving to St James: it removes the burden of claiming Gift Aid from the parish treasurer; it will provide regular payments so helping the cash flow; and, by agreeing to an annual uplift, I have helped St James keep pace with future costs. 

“With a whole month’s notification of annual uplifts and the ability to change my donation if circumstances change I maintain full control.”

Diocesan Secretary Lucinda Herklots, strongly encourages PCCs to consider signing up to the scheme, saying, “Working together with other Dioceses across the Church of England now allows parishes to benefit from the Direct Debit system for the first time while keeping administration costs to a minimum. 

Whether people currently pay by Standing Order, envelope, or open plate, they can easily make the switch to this secure and efficient system. 

The gross amount raised will be paid into PCC accounts within ten days followed by Gift Aid as it is made available by HMRC, often within the month. This means PCC Treasurers will have to spend much less time processing Gift Aid, and cash flow will be much improved.

Parish Giving Scheme Launch Events

The events will include: 

  • A clear and straightforward explanation of how PGS works.
  • The background to PGS’ development and progress.
  • A summary of the benefits of PGS for givers and parishes.
  • How parishes in the Diocese of Winchester have benefited from PGS over the past three years.
  • An opportunity to hear from some of our pre-launch trial parishes.
  • How to get started.
  • A question and answer session.

One event will take place in each archdeaconry:

Tuesday 2 May, 2-4 pm, St Nicholas, Corfe Mullen
Tuesday 2 May, 7-9 pm, Dorford Centre, Dorchester
Thursday 4 May, 2-4 pm, St Francis, Salisbury
Thursday 4 May, 7-9 pm, St James Southbroom, Devizes

Tea and coffee will be available up to half an hour before the start. To book a place, please contact Anna Wilde on 01722 411 955 or , which helps us plan.

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