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Home News 98th Archbishop of York takes his Crozier

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98th Archbishop of York takes his Crozier

by Michael Ford last modified 10 Jul, 2020 11:36 PM

Bishop Stephen Geoffrey Cottrell has taken up the historic Braganza Crozier – his staff of office – in a short ceremony at York Minster, following his Confirmation of Election as the 98th Archbishop of York.

Archbishop Elect Stephen moved to the Quire of York Minster to take up his Crozier in front of a small, physically-distanced gathering drawn from his immediate staff representing the Archbishop’s Leadership Team, Bishopthorpe Palace and York Minster. He then moved through the Minster to its West Door, where he knocked 3 times on the inside before it was opened to the world.

This reversal of the usual symbolism is intended to signify the openness of the Church to the world, and reflects Archbishop Elect Stephen’s desire to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the communities it serves.

Archbishop Elect Stephen spoke very positively about opening the doors at York Minster. He said:

“The Church is the body of Christ. As such we are being formed in his likeness to be sent out into the world to bring hope, healing and wholeness. I like the symbolism of opening up the doors of the church as we go out and see and be where God is already at work.

“As I take up the role of Archbishop of York, my focus will be on prayer, and I want to begin by praying for the unity of the Church, for all those persecuted, and for the Northern Province of the Church of England. May we be united as the body of Christ, of one mind and purpose to see God’s Kingdom here on Earth.”

The service included music from York Minster Choir and Manor Church of England Academy, York. In the video resource that followed the service, young people from across the north of England read a letter written by the medieval religious scholar Alcuin of York.

Bishop Stephen gave his first address as Archbishop of York. Prayers were offered for the Archbishop, the Diocese of York and the Northern Province of the Church of England, as well as for the wider world in these difficult times.

Following the service, Archbishop Elect Stephen made a short walk of pilgrimage to the shrine of St Margaret Clitherow.

Archbishop Elect Stephen’s Confirmation of Election service was broadcast entirely via video conference due to the Covid-19 restrictions, and is available to watch here.

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