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75 years married

by Michael Ford last modified 21 May, 2019 06:03 PM

On 6 May 2019, Melksham couple Alan and Edna Gullis celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary.

Their wedding took place in 1944, a few weeks before Alan took part in the D-Day landings on the northern French coast. He was on a 48 hour pass before returning to duty, and then being absent from his new wife for 16 months.

Edna was unable to purchase the wedding dress she wanted, because she didn’t have enough coupons and, although they were married in St Michael and All Angels Melksham, they were unable to have any bells because, as Alan said, "People might have thought there was an invasion!"

Alan came home in 1945 after the war and they had a daughter, followed by two sons.

Of course, such an anniversary did not pass unheralded. Plans were quietly drawn up via email.

The Revd Barry Blackford, Vicar of St Michael's, said, "A tea was arranged for Alan, Edna and members of the family, followed by a renewal of vows and a blessing in St Michael’s church. And finally, after 75 years our wonderful ringers rang a quarter peal across the town as the happy couple left the church. Better late than never!"

Alan and Edna appear in the book 'A Time to Fight' by Robert D Anderson. Sample photos here

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