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Home News £40K and Counting for South Sudan

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£40K and Counting for South Sudan

by glynch last modified 06 Apr, 2017 12:22 PM

Magnificent effort by Diocese sees 80% of famine fundraising target reached with a fortnight to go

£40K and Counting for South Sudan

Credit: Christian Aid. Nyamuot Joak (mother, right) and her 12 month old daughter Nyayiena Gatkuoth. The infant is having her upper arm measured at Duong Health Clinic, outside Nyal and the results show she has Severe Acute Malnutrition.

Update, noon, Thursday 6 April: our appeal has now reached £45,347 or 91% of our life saving target of £50,000. Click here to donate now and help save lives.

The Diocese’s Lent Appeal launched at the start of March by Bishop Nicholas has raised just shy of £40k so far for victims of famine in one of the world’s poorest countries. 

South Sudan is one of four countries with desperate food shortages where UK aid agencies are raising money. The Diocese  has had a partnership there for more than forty years. Many parishes in Dorset and Wiltshire have both visited and hosted people from South Sudan and Sudan. 

At least 100,000 South Sudanese face starvation, with a million at severe risk of famine and more than three million displaced. The Salisbury Lent appeal will support the Disaster Emergency Committee’s work through Christian Aid.

Bishop Nicholas said, “We set a target of £50,000 during the period of Lent, which ends on Easter Day, 16 April. With less than two weeks to go, I am delighted to see we have reached 80% of that figure. With a final effort, we can raise this vital amount. 

£30,000 has already been transferred to Christian Aid and is supporting life-saving work on the ground. Money goes a long way in South Sudan. £50,000 will feed 2,500 starving children for a month, but in our longstanding partnership we also need to build resilience for the future.  

“The Church has supported the appeal generously. People of all faiths and none can give online at, text “SSUD17 £10” to 70070 to donate £10 to the appeal, or make a cheque payable to Salisbury DBF SSA and send it to South Sudan Appeal, Church House, Crane Street, Salisbury, SP1 2QB.”

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