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Home News 40 Days of Action by Christian Climate Action

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40 Days of Action by Christian Climate Action

by Michael Ford last modified 28 Feb, 2020 08:46 PM

During Lent, Christians, along with those of other faiths, will hold a prayer vigil outside Parliament to highlight and encourage action in the face of the current ecological emergency.

40 Days of Action by Christian Climate Action

Original photo courtesy @CClimateAction on Twitter

Members of our various faith communties will be joining them.

The Christians of Extinction Rebellion, known as Christian Climate Action, are launching ‘40 Days of Action’, which started on Ash Wednesday when, instead of making the sign of the cross with ash as is traditional, priests marked a cross onto the foreheads of worshippers using fake crude oil.

Organisers said that the ‘oil’ was used as a symbol of human mortality, as real oil is made up of dead matter, but also of human frailty as we are currently losing the fight against the over-consumption of fossil fuels.

Throughout the 40 days of action, Christian Climate Action will hold a non-stop meditation vigil outside the Houses of Parliament, focusing on lament for the climate and ecological crisis, and praying for leaders and representatives to find in themselves the courage to take urgent action.

Dr Ruth Valerio, global advocacy and influencing director at Tearfund and author of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 'Saying Yes to Life' said:

“The window to address climate breakdown is closing rapidly and the UK government needs to act by getting our finances out of fossil fuels overseas, increasing investment in renewable energy and getting on track to achieve our own net zero commitment.

“Lent, which is a time of reflection and commitment, is an important time to pray for our politicians to have the courage to take action. The physical presence of this vigil is a reminder of this.”

The Revd Hilary Bond, Schools and Children's worker for the Parish of Wareham said:

"I will be going up on several Mondays during Lent to join in with this because I believe our planet is in climate crisis and that prayer has a big part to play in helping those with the power to change things.

"This vigil is an act of repentance for the ways in which we all have a negative impact on the world God gave us, and a chance to make or renew our personal commitment to caring for creation.”

To sign up for a prayer slot, or to get in touch, click here.

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