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4 marathons in a row

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Dec, 2020 11:16 PM

As our parishes adapt to the ever-changing conditions of the pandemic and the extent of social distancing, perseverance is paying off.

In Wimborne, Bishop Karen is to join Chris Slocock as he completes his initial 900 laps of Wimborne Minster.

They will be joined this coming Saturday 5th December at 11.00am, all socially-distanced of course, by the Rector of Wimborne Minster the Revd Canon Andrew Rowland, the Town Mayor and Mayoress Cllr Shane and Mrs Tracey Bartlett, and the Town Crier Chris Brown.

Chris, who was started off on his laps of the Minster by Bishop Andrew on Sunday 27th September, has maintained a steady 50 laps at a time on Sunday mornings and at other times, and by Sunday 29th November had completed over 850 laps.

His initial target of raising £900 to mark the 900th anniversary this year of the start of the Minster Building as we know it today has been well exceeded with over £1300 raised to date.

The money raised is going towards the Minster Makes Music Appeal which was launched in January with the aim or raising £1,000,000 for the repair and rebuild of the organ, and to establish a music foundation which will manage development of music in the Minster and the communication of its musical heritage.

The Minster’s Organ is vital and is in dire need of refurbishment. The appeal aims to keep the sound of music firmly in Wimborne Minster, at the heart of its vibrant community.

You can still support the Appeal by accessing JustGiving.

Chris says his feet are fine, but his legs are complaining and he suffers cramps at night having walked over 4 marathons back to back!

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