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Home News 2020 Iona Pilgrimage

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2020 Iona Pilgrimage

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Jul, 2019 09:19 AM

The Diocese is organising a Pilgrimage to Iona.

2020 Iona Pilgrimage

Photo courtesy ionacommunity on Twitter

Led by Bishop Karen and the Revd Louise Ellis, the pilgrimage will take place between 30th Sept – 7th Oct next year (2020).

Iona, which is a tiny and beautiful island off the southwest coast of Mull in the Inner Hebrides, is often referred to as the cradle of Christianity in Scotland.

In 563 AD, the Irish monk Columba established a monastic settlement that evangelised large parts of Scotland and the north of England and became an important centre of European Christianity. In the Middle Ages, it became the site of a Benedictine abbey and over the centuries it has attracted many thousands of people on their own pilgrim journeys.

Today Iona Abbey is home to the Iona Community. The Iona Community was founded in Glasgow and Iona in 1938 by George MacLeod, minister, visionary and prophetic witness for peace, amid the poverty and despair of the Depression.

From a dockland parish in Govan, Glasgow, he took unemployed skilled craftsmen and young trainee clergy to Iona to rebuild both the monastic quarters of the mediaeval abbey and the common life by working and living together, sharing skills and effort as well as joys and achievement. That original task became a sign of hopeful rebuilding of community in Scotland and beyond. The experience shaped – and continues to shape – the practice and principles of the Iona Community.

Alongside the daily pattern of Iona Abbey prayer, there will be an optional programme of led sessions, talks and reflections.

These will be programmed to fit around the daily services at Iona Abbey, one after the morning service and another one before dinner, and that will will leave several hours free for pilgrims to walk, enagage in quiet reflection, or visit local historical sites.

The pilgrimage allows you to relax in the peace and tranquillity of Iona and perhaps even enjoy a cream tea!

There will also be a pilgrimage around the Island and, weather permitting, a boat trip to nearby Staffa.

There are 45 places available. Inquiries to Louise Ellis via .

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