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Home News ‘Because childhood can’t wait’

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‘Because childhood can’t wait’

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Jul, 2019 04:45 PM

Home-Start North Dorset is appealing for support to help local struggling families.

An independent registered charity, Home-Start supports struggling families living in the North Dorset District Council area and where there is at least one child under 5.

They recruit and train local volunteers and carefully match them with local families who need support. The families are referred through a variety of agencies such as Health visitors, Pre-schools and nurseries, Women’s Men’s and Families Refuges, and Children’s Social Care.

James Troup, Funding Coordinater for Home-Start North Dorset says:

"Our volunteers are parents supporting parents so they understand the difficulties families may be facing.

"We create a local community network of trained volunteers providing tailored made 1:1 support, helping families with young children through their challenging times.

"Without a stable, loving and nurturing environment, a very young child will not develop the vital foundations and skills they need. From their behaviour and their ability to learn, to even some of the most basic things, like being able to wash, dress and use the toilet by themselves.

"Starting in the home, our approach is as individual as the people we are helping.

"A child’s earliest years are irreplaceable. When the chance is missed, making up lost ground in later life is difficult, expensive and often just doesn’t happen.

"Local services are overstretched and funding is sparse across the UK and a child’s future shouldn’t be blighted before it has even started.

"Home-Start schemes are part of the communities they serve. Home-Start has a proven, lasting, positive impact on the development of children and the health and welfare of the family. The earliest years make the biggest impact: Home-Start makes sure those years count, so that no child’s future is limited.

"We offer compassionate, confidential help and expert tailored support, connecting isolated families with local groups and other support networks.

"Many parents need help through friendship, advice or support when their children are young.

"There is no rulebook for raising a family and sometimes it can seem overwhelming, particularly if a family is going through difficult times. All of our families that we support have at least one child under the age of 5."

The Charity say there is no ‘typical’ Home-Start family and that parents ask for Home-Start’s help for all sorts of reasons, from feeling isolated, having no family nearby, struggling to make friends, or finding it hard to cope because of their own or a child’s illness or disability.

The scheme is managed by a board of trustees and is responsible for raising all its own funds.

for more information on how your church or school might help, contact James at j.

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