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100 Jumps, 100 Years

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Nov, 2018 10:44 AM

Andrew Lord, Chief Executive of Alabaré, will join 99 others in a massive charity skydive on 10 November at Old Sarum Airfield, in aid of the charity’s Homes for Veterans. The event marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One.

The 100 participants will ‘tandem jump’ from an altitude of 10,000 feet, attached to instructors. Free fall lasts about 30 seconds; a jump lasts about five minutes.

Andrew says, “This year I have turned 50, and I wanted to mark it by facing my fears and raising money for our work with veterans. My father served in the Royal Navy and many of the family served.

“I am jumping in memory of my Great-Great-Uncle Jack Sealey, who served in the Wessex Field Ambulance and was killed 3rd August 1917, aged only 22. It’s my first skydive and I am terrified, but determined.

“I have set an ambitious target of raising £10,000. Please give generously!”

Jack Sealey panel

Alabaré is the largest provider of dedicated accommodation for former serving military personnel outside of London, with 124 beds in homes varying in size from 3 to 8 bedrooms across South England and Wales.

Each home focuses on enabling veterans of all ages to overcome issues that have led them to become homeless. Many have been impacted by their time in the military and need a wide range of support to enable them to transition from the Army, Royal Navy or RAF into civilian life.

Support may include help with overcoming issues around mental ill-health, transferring skills from military to civilian employment, gaining secure housing, or integrating into society. Alabaré’s approach includes building confidence, teaching life skills such as budgeting and giving a sense of value and purpose to Veterans who feel they have lost them.

The Bishop of Salisbury is a patron of the charity.

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