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Home News 100 Goings to Ground

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100 Goings to Ground

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Jun, 2020 10:34 PM

This Sunday, Bishop Andrew reaches his 100th daily ‘Going to Ground’ film, which will mark the end of this series.

These short reflections on YouTube began in March at the beginning of lockdown and have continued each day since.

Bishop Andrew comments:

“It’s hard to believe we’ve reached 100 of these little films, which have become a lovely way of connecting with people across the diocese and beyond during isolation. I’ve been very grateful for the correspondence (which has included fascinating suggestions for further reading, and gentle corrections to my mis-identification of flowers and birds!) and look forward to staying in touch.

"The idea was to do something about living a grounded life, as this is what God gives us - and lives with us in the Lord Jesus. Reflecting on this in the midst of the Wiltshire countryside has been an unexpected blessing during the challenges of lockdown: thank you so much for walking with me. My weekly written pieces will continue and I expect to post on YouTube occasionally through the summer, hopefully to start a new regular season before long. God bless you as you go to ground!”

Watch sample episode 77 here.

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