16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence
A global movement to speak out against gender-based violence. Get involved! #16Days #endGBV
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Tuesday 4 December
16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Gender Based Violence – Service in Salisbury Cathedral at 12 noon. Donations for the Salisbury Women’s Refuge. News story here;
Sermon here
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The Campaign
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is a global campaign raising international awareness of violence against women and girls (VAWG) each year, from 25th November to 10th December.
16 Days is an opportunity to show solidarity against gender-based violence, and provides a platform for individuals and organisations to highlight their work and speak out against VAWG.
Click here (or top right) to see Anglican men speaking out.
Violence against women and girls is any act of violence that results in harm, suffering or indignity to women. Violence is 'gender-based' when it is directed against a woman because she is a woman, or when it affects women disproportionately. It can include physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse; harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM); and mass acts of violence such as rape by combatants in war. It is estimated that between 23 to 37 per cent of women across the world experience violence, and it happens regardless of class, race, religion or age.
We believe that any culture of violence against one another, whether physical or emotional, is a distortion of relationships as originally intended; equality and respect in the sight of God. We build our work on God’s command: to love our neighbour as ourselves. Where this is followed there will be no place for violence against anyone, particularly women and girl. Across the world, Mothers' Union members work to challenge attitudes in relationships that contribute to gender-based violence; raise awareness; support victims and survivors of VAWG; and campaign to end violence.
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