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Home Learning Courses PSA SUBSCRIPTION ENTITLEMENT: School Leaders new to Church Schools - SESSION 4 (Year 2) Half Day session - MORNING

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by Anna Tucker last modified 17 Jun, 2019 12:00 AM

PSA SUBSCRIPTION ENTITLEMENT: School Leaders new to Church Schools - SESSION 4 (Year 2) Half Day session - MORNING

I’m a new Church school leader – so what?

I’m a new Church school leader – so what?
Sessions 1 and 2 are aimed at School Leaders/HTs new to post from Sept 18 onwards
Sessions 3 and 4 are aimed at School Leaders/HTs who took up leadership in 2017/18 academic year
HT taking up headship later this academic year (eg Easter 19) could be able to do day 2 without day 1.
HT who did day 2 in 17/18 but not day 1 could do sessions 1& 3 (all day) as well as session 4 on this cycle, or take a session on to next year.
All new HTs/School Leaders who have taken up leadership since Sept 17 are to receive a personal invitation for the Commissioning Service, which will take place between sessions 1 and 3 on 11/2/19 and includes lunch.
FREE to attend for PSA subscribed schools.

The course content will include:
• Reviewing and developing vision and values – how do I take my whole school with me?
• Distinctiveness into effectiveness – what does it really mean to be a Church school?
• SIAMS inspection – how do I as the Headteacher enable this to have transformational impact on my school?

The second day of the course will also engage with areas of need identified by the attendees on the first day.

The intended outcome is to enable Headteachers new to post in Church schools to have a confident knowledge and understanding of what it means to be Headteacher of a Church school.

PLEASE NOTE: this training is run a rotating basis and you can access the training days in order of your date in post. You do not have to complete DAY 1 and DAY 2 in that order. You can complete DAY 2 and then DAY 1 in the next academic year. Please contact Claire Kielty if you are unsure: 01722 746943

DAY 1: 11th February 2019 0830-1200hrs
DAY 2: 19th June 2019 0900-1230hrs

Course details

Where Sarum St Paul’s CE VA Primary School
When 09:00 - 12:30, Wednesday 19 June 2019
Led by Nicola Coupe, School Improvement Adviser
Course suitable for Sessions 3 and 4 are aimed at School Leaders/HTs in the 2nd year of post
Course category Leadership - Headteachers & Governors
Department School/Parishes
Availability Bookings closed
PSA cost For NON PSA subscribed schools, the cost to attend each half day will be £90 + VAT per person (£180 + VAT per person for the TWO sessions).
Booking deadline Friday, 7 June 2019, 12:00am
Login/Sign-up to book this course ›

The booking deadline has passed for this course, so you cannot now make a booking.

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