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Home Learning Courses Governors Role In The New SIAMS Framework (WILTON 300419)

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by Anna Tucker last modified 30 Apr, 2019 12:00 PM

Governors Role In The New SIAMS Framework (WILTON 300419)

In September 2018 a new SIAMS Framework comes into effect for the inspection of church schools. It links very closely to the Church of England Vision For Education. This course explores both.

In September 2018 a new SIAMS Framework comes into effect for the inspection of church schools.  It links very closely to the Church of England Vision For Education. This course explores both.
In September 2018 a new SIAMS Framework comes into effect for the inspection of church schools. It links very closely to the Church of England Vision For Education. This course will explore both of these and will empower governors to support their schools in the expectations and requirements of both.

Course details

Where The Diocesan Education Centre, Wilton
When 13:00 - 16:15, Tuesday 30 April 2019
Led by Neil Revell, Lead School Improvement Adviser & Strategic Leader for SIAMS and Dan Roberts, Foundation Governor Adviser
Course suitable for FOR SCHOOLS WHO HAVE ALREADY COMPLETED THE NEW SIAMS TRAINING: Foundation Governors, all Governors in church schools, Foundation Trustees, all Trustees in church schools, Foundation Members
Course category Leadership - Headteachers & Governors
Department School/Parishes
Availability Bookings closed
PSA cost PSA cost: 1 credit per delegate. NON PSA cost: £90 + VAT per person
Booking deadline Monday, 29 April 2019, 12:00am
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