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Home Learning Courses Celebrating the Rural Seasons : Lent

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by all_powerful_Oz — last modified 30 Jan, 2021 10:00 PM

Celebrating the Rural Seasons : Lent

As we prepare for Lent this year how will we look outwards as well as inwards, Bless our communities, and learn from last year’s experiences?

As we prepare for Lent this year how will we	look outwards as well as inwards, Bless our communities, and learn from last year’s experiences?
Lent is a time of deep reflection and to walk more closely together. 2020 challenged us to discover new ways to do this and the Church engaged with communities of all ages in different ways and how wonderful it has been. 2021 should be no different!

Join Rhona Floate (Rural Field Officer, Wilts), Margaret Preuss-Higham (Rural Field Officer, Sherborne) and guest speakers, Hilary Bond (children’s worker and Pioneer Priest, Wareham Churches) and Rev. Andy Gray (Faith sharing Enabler, Bath and Wells Diocese) for an on-line seminar, which will include signposting to resources, practical tips and a forum for discussion and sharing of ideas.

Course details

Where On-line
When 10:00 - 12:00, Saturday 30 January 2021
Led by Revd Rhona Floate and Revd Margaret Preuss-Higham
Course suitable for All
Course category CMD
Department Discipleship & Training
Availability Bookings closed
Cost per place FREE
Booking deadline Tuesday, 26 January 2021, 12:00am
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