Much Ado...
Ms Nightingale's fun-filled production of Much Ado About Nothing enlivened the school's assemblies this week, with thesbians from every year group playing their part in this half hour romp. Shakespeare's women are frequently the real heroes and this production was no exception. Ava Zarate's Beatrice was played with sublime subtlety; Star Gaze's Hero characterised by the utmost poise and a startling naturalism - both characters indisputably virtuous and highly mature, whatever their propensity for wit and good fun. Amongst the boys, Don Pedro, Leonato, Benedick and Claudio (Edisher Kipiani, Alex Perez, Teo Krivosic, Cai Rees-Manuel) exploited the range of their roles marvelously, undulating seemlessly from droll badinage to acting in 'most profound earnest'. Dogberry, Verges, Don John, Conrad and Borachio coloured their performances with a neon luminosity, the most vibrant of caricatures rife with humour and intensity, making the production so engaging and accessible. And students were not just treading the boards. Led by Ms Murray, a technical team on lights, sound, stage-management and costume design, ably assisted making this the polished performance it was. So successful, indeed, that students are already canvassing Ms Nightingale for Twelfth Night later in the year!