Visiting The School
There is nothing we value more highly than the protection of our students. With that in mind, we ask every visitor to school to bring along the following documents, so that we might do our due diligence to safeguard our students.
- a current photo form of identification, for example a passport or driving licence;
- a current DBS. This might be the original document or the a code for the update service that we might undertake our own up-to-date check on your arrival.
We ask all visitors for these documents, regardless of the regularity of their visits to school.
As a DfE designated Teaching School, and committed widely to working with the wider profession to share outstanding practice, we are always receptive to requests to visit the school and see some of the practice on show. Whilst we welcome general visits warmly, visitors may wish to explore some of the many things about which we are most proud, including
- establishing a culture of ever extending achievement
- our commitment to high quality, rigorous and imaginative Quality of Teaching
- the work we undertake with trainee teachers and Newly Qualified Teachers to establish them in the profession
- developing leaders with an all-embracing and unquenchable passion for school improvement
- our pervasive approach to SMSC and British Values in assemblies and more widely in the curriculum
- the quality of literacy in our curriculum
Of course, the above is an indicative, rather than exhaustive, list and we are very happy to speak further with our colleagues in other schools about how we might best be able to assist them. To do so, please complete the online form here.
Colleagues interested in training to teach with us may wish to arrange a visit to us as part of our School Experience Placement Days. Please see the pages here for more information.
Colleagues interested in teaching with us are welcome to attend our recruitment day on Saturday 18th January 2020. We are likely to have vacancies, particularly in the large subjects, Science, English and Mathematics. Attendance on this day will enable prospective candidates to become acquainted with the school's distinctive ethos, meet school leaders and talk a little about how careers are developed at Holland Park. Should you wish to attend please complete the reservation details form which you will find here.