Art Aptitude
Holland Park has a particular expertise in the teaching of the visual arts. 10% of places for September’s Year 7 intake are allocated to students who are able to demonstrate an aptitude in Art. Applicants for these places must complete an electronic supplementary form (see below). There is an assessment by the school of each applicant’s potential. Offers are then made in descending order by aptitude test score to applicants with more than 20 points (from a possible 40). Applicants who are not offered a place on the grounds of aptitude will automatically be considered for a place within their ability band under the general admission criteria.
For entry in September 2021
Deadline for application: midnight on Friday 25th September 2020.
Aptitude testing: Saturday 3rd October 2020.
Letters to parents regarding outcomes: by Tuesday 20th October 2020.
Students admitted through the aptitude route enjoy additional art lessons taught beyond the normal school day. They also take full advantage of our central London location and visit galleries and museums. This group of exceptionally talented students are expected to continue their art study to at least GCSE level.
- You must complete your ‘borough of residence’ secondary transfer form, regardless of this application, and return it by the published deadline.
- You must complete the on line art aptitude application form and submit it no later than midnight on Friday 25th September 2020. Please note: the school will not accept late entries.
Assessment for Art places will take place on Saturday 3rd October 2020 (actual time will be notified). Please note that no alternative dates can be offered. All Art and Design applicants must attend the test in order to be considered for a specialist place.
- Holland Park School has 24 Art Aptitude places available. Offers will be made in descending order by aptitude test score to those applicants who achieve a minimum of 20 points in the test.
- Holland Park School will issue the outcome of your child's performance in the Art Aptitude Test by no later than Tuesday 20th October 2020.
- Regardless of the outcome, your child will be required to sit the banding test on Saturday 21st November 2020 (actual time will be notified). All applicants must sit this test in order to be considered for a place at the school.
Applicants scoring more than 20 marks but not allocated a place on the basis of aptitude may request to be placed on the Art Aptitude Waiting List. Applicants not allocated a place on the basis of aptitude will also be considered automatically under the criteria for normal entry.
Applicants invited to take part in the drawing test will be assessed against the following two criteria:
- Technical skill: staff will consider how effectively the applicant is able to visually record, from first hand observation, using the following formal art elements: line; tone; shape; form; pattern and texture. Compositional decisions will also be assessed. Maximum mark - 20.
- Exploring Materials: staff will consider how creatively and confidently the applicant is able to use and manipulate the limited media available. Also considered will be the applicant's ability to incorporate 'mistakes' into the overall design. Maximum mark - 20