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Inspection success celebrated in style

Mr Robson cooks breakfast live in assembly

Mr Robson’s assembly this week came hot on the heels of last week’s inspection by five Ofsted Inspectors from the company B11. The feedback was fabulous, with the school judged as outstanding in every category. Of particular delight was the celebration the inspectors made of students and so Mr Robson’s assembly this week toasted  such brilliance by cooking breakfast for each of the houses, morning after morning. Choosing liver (an admittedly unorthodox celebration of British Values) as the foodstuff for his inaugural assembly breakfast, students on Friday’s assembly queued in their droves to taste the product of Mr Robson’s endeavours, with towards forty students gathering at the end of assembly for an exclusive morsel. Cooked live during assembly time, and not allowing himself any opportunity for respite with a video or to ask any of his colleagues to take over, it was suggested by one member of the leadership team that Mr Robson’s assemblies resemble the work of a frustrated television presenter. In response, Mr Robson said he was not available to comment.