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Home Local fishing Sea Fishing Marks Pleasure Pier

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Pleasure Pier

Postcode: DT4 8ED
Parking: Pay and display (after 6pm free)


Pleasure Pier

The Pleasure pier is a really good place to fish for beginners and experienced anglers looking to catch plenty of fish. Species you can catch here include Mackerel, Gar, Wrasse, Pollock, and many more mini species perfect for LRF. During summer months you can target Mackerel, Gar, and Pollock using spinners or fishing a float at about 6ft deep with a strip of Mackerel as bait. To target the other species that lurk around the pier simply use a bottom rig and small hooks baited with Ragworm, Mackerel, or Squid, the bites will be endless! During winter months Squid can be easily caught using a Squid jig simply cast out and retrieved or under a float and left to drift with the tide.Please note there is no Feathering on this pier.Please take all rubbish and plastic packaging on with you as plastic pollution is a real problem with our seas, and it is affecting the marine life that inhabits it.

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