Shakespeare Ugly Stik GX2 Boat

Product code
Key features
- Ugly Tech Blank construction
- Long tip short butt design
- Famous ClearTip
- Laser ettched EVA Foregrip
- Gimbal fitted to the 30-50lb model
- Ugly Tuff guides on the new 8-12lb model
£60.99 - £69.99
Since 1897, Shakespeare has been the leader in quality, affordable fishing tackle. Our inspiration comes from 115 years of passion and experience. Shakespeare offers something for the whole family and all levels of experience. Our objective is simple: Make fishing easy and enjoyable.
Fitted with a comfortable EVA foregrip, which is longer than normal to take both hands while playing those heavier species. Quality rings and reel seats have been used throughout and we feel sure these rods will becomes a ''MUST HAVE'' addition to the boat anglers armoury.