If you are like many that have come to hear about how good thease lures really are then your at the right place.
The pirate lure corsair realeased in 2022 at the Dorset Lure Club Bass Competition and hit the ground running providing many great fish over the weekend in dorset but thats not all since this lure has been out on the market it is a proven bass provider all over the uk and highly recomended by many lure anglers
The lure its self the plastic they are made from are stonger than anything we have ever seen our staff have personally used this product and even after 20 plus fish the lure is still going stong. Coming in at 15g means you can use them weightless if you wanted to we love using them with the texas power 7/0 15g Jig heads making the total lure 30g and thats is why we have put this deal together. the lure movements itself has a great rolling action but the slim detailed profile of the lure makes the paddle tail go mental in the smallest of curent flows
This Deal will get you one pack of corsairs (colour of your choice) and one pack of the texas power 7/0 Jig heads