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Home All products Breakaway Cascade Swivels

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Breakaway Cascade Swivels

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Key features
  • Fool proof relay system
  • Streamlines tackle for ultimate distance
  • Presentation minimises casting stress
  • Stainless steel eyelets for reduced corrosion
  • Comes in packs of 10
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Breakaway Cascade Swivels are used to mark cascade rigs.

The most popular and sure method for making cascade rigs. Strong and easy to use just lock into position with teardrop bead and crimp. Its a good idea to nip the swivel eye a little to make sure it does not drop over very small beads or crimps.When using very heavy hook lengths tie rigs with sliding stop knots or silicone linned crimps or put a small length of silicone tubing under the cascade to allow for lack of streatch in snood material.
Breakaway Tackle have been supplying sea fishing tackle for sea anglers for over 45 years. All terminal tackle and accessories for the beach angler.
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